Purchase Order Search Screen

Using this screen allows you to view purchase orders in the search results pane from search criteria that you enter. Other options in this screen include creating a new purchase order, print, print preview, and export search results to CSV file format. Access this screen by selecting View > Purchase Orders from the menu bar.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Purchase Orders search panel Use this panel to enter search criteria. This panel can be resized using the grab bar.
PO Number Enter part of all of a purchase order number in this field. This allows you to search by purchase order number.
RO Number Enter part of all of a repair order number in this field. This allows you to search by repair order number.
Vendor Name Use this field to enter part or all of a vendor name.
Create Date (From / To) Use these fields to search within a range of dates. Alternately, use the calendar icons to select the date range.
Status This option filters by document status. Options include all, completed, and voided purchase orders.
Search Select this button to view purchase orders that match the search criteria you have entered.
Search Results pane Purchase orders that match your search criteria appear in this pane. The columns displayed in the grid include RO Number, RO Status, PO Number, Job Number, Owner, Vehicle, Expected Cost $, Items Ordered, Created Date, Document Status, and Vendor Name.

All columns in the grid can be resized, sorted, and moved within the pane.

Toolbar and menu options on the screen

Field Label Description
New Purchase Order Select this option to create a new purchase order.
Refresh The search results are updated when selecting this button.
Print Use this option to print a copy of the search results.
Print Preview This option displays the search results on your screen.
Export to CSV The search results are exported in CSV (comma separated value) file format to a folder location that you enter.

See Also

Searching Purchase Orders







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